Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bollito misto a Pro Loco

"He looked up from his wintry bollito misto, looked right past me, looked back down at the boiled lovemaking of his seven meats and seven vegetable sauces, looked back up, looked right past me again."*   

In northern Italy winter means mixed boiled meat, Bollito Misto. Pro Loco means for the place, basically a community association. All over Italy in small towns, I haven't seen any in Milan, locals organize communal meals once a month or even more depending on the season. This one is was in Carciano di Stresa, since we were married there we count as locals...kind of. First there were grilled vegetables and and then some home made ravioli in a broth made from the boiled meats that made up the next plate.
Strictly for non vegetarians, bollito misto is one of the best meals to warm up during the cold foggy Italian winter.
Bollito misto
Testina - head of calf
Pollo - chicken
Cotechino - sausage made from pork skins
Manzo - beef
Salsa verde - green sauce made from parsley, capers, anchovies and cooked egg yolk
Mostarda - fruit preserved with mustard essence.
* Shteyngart, Gary. "Do Not Go Gentle." Super Sad True Love Story: a Novel. New York: Random House, 2010. 3. Print.

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